SCTE 2024 Summary and Recap

SCTE 2024 recap from our Founder and CEO, Eric Rutter.

January 24, 2025

Mavsotech had a great experience at the recent SCTE show in Atlanta. Since the show we have been very busy following up on engagements with customers, partners and potential teammates from across multiple verticals as we continue to grow and add talent to our team.

Broadcom’s announcements around DOCSIS 4 and Wi-Fi 7 certainly triggered interest in how the silicon ecosystem will continue to evolve and how Service Providers and OEMs will balance resources and investments in their collective supply chains to mitigate risks stemming from single source suppliers. Since returning from Atlanta, Mavsotech’s engagements and primary workstreams have been focused on addressing this concern and providing guidance on the evolution of second source silicon as well as finished goods suppliers. Opportunities for development, test and deployment support must be balanced against an end-of-life strategy for the oldest equipment and integration support for upgrading legacy equipment that still has significant future field life.

Similar announcements around edge solutions, encoding and cloud video delivery have prompted inquiries around legacy video infrastructure support. Given the recent corporate restructuring, our customer’s and partner’s ability to support their current platforms in the evolving landscape is challenged. The good news is that Mavsotech stands ready to strengthen customer and partner ecosystems with a virtual bench of unique engineering talent focused on providing the services and solutions needed to advance and maintain their video service delivery platform.

We built Mavsotech with these very problems in mind and are enthused not just with the activity at the SCTE show but more importantly with the ongoing dialogue and engagement since the show. Even with evolving consumption habits in the home and new competitive threats to traditional MSOs we still believe it’s a great time to be in the Cable Business and are excited about the future and how Mavsotech can help our customer and partners succeed moving forward.

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